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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

23 going on 17.

I am so exhausted. 
I think it is a mixture of being overwhelmed, excited, and only having my feet for transportation. 

I had all these plans yesterday... I was going to print out my resume at a Fed Ex and then venture to Time Square for a bit to explore.

The weather was gross. 
The fex ex I went to was located on Canal street (China Town). 

I walked up the steps from the subway and the first thing that happened was a little asian lady grabbed me by the arm and whispered "follow me, I'll sell you most beautiful beautiful designer bags. Real. For very cheap". 
Needless to say I didn't follow the little lady and quickly trotted by saying "No thank you". 

The whole street was like this.
Tons of people. 
I didn't like it.. although I want to go back.. just not when i'm out on my own. Because hey... I want some real looking designer bags for cheap but I'm still trying this "not getting mugged" goal!

I turned a corner and everything calmed back down and I continued completely lost while searching for a print shop.

I finally figured it out and got my resume printed out. 
This was of course after paying $.30 a minute to use the internet to find what I needed printed. 
By the time I left I was so drenched from the weather and my hands were full so I headed back to the apartment and decided to save Time Square for a nicer day. 

When I got back to my apartment I decided to call it a night until Danny (my roommate) got home. 
He highly suggested I go out with this person he knows. 
I didn't want to mostly because I was not wanting to be out in the weather... and I had not rode the subway at night. 
I finally agreed... threw on a red dress... and headed towards 59th and Lexington. 

I hopped of the subway where me and A were meeting. 
The first thing I saw was Bloomingdales... so of course I had to look in all the windows. 

A met me and we went to this little sports bar and had a beer. 
It was really nice having a friend to talk to! 
He's 27 and sells jets.
Born and raised in NY. 
While we were sitting there he asked me if I had ever rode the Tram. 
I had no idea what a tram was and he pointed behind him.
It was a cart that was on a wire that took you above the city and dropped you off at a little place called Roosevelt Island. 
On this tram you are literally hanging above all the tall buildings. 
He asked if I wanted to go so I said yes! Duh! 

It's hard to see in the pictures above because of the weather but thats on the tram.
We got to the other side and walked beside the river chatting.
What was most breath taking about this was the amazing views of the city. 

We rode the Tram back to the city and he dropped me off at my subway station. He even paid for my subway ride! 
That's some NYC chivalry for ya! (Since you can't really open car doors and such)

That was my yesterday night! 

This morning I woke up at 9, got dressed, and headed to 57th street for my first interview in NYC at
(drum roll please)

This was my outfit! 

I tried to do bold colors! 

I packed up all my stuff and headed out... and then forgot my umbrella so went back.. and headed out... then got two blocks away and noticed I forgot my portfolio... so I went back... 
Then finally was on the train. 

My train ride was... different. 
A lady stood beside me and told me she liked my shoes. I thanked her.
Then she proceeded to tell me she is in therapy because he ex boyfriend did her wrong (I mean who isnt!... little liz joke) and how she dreamed last night she shot him... how some police man told her she is to beautiful to worry about him or to be treated that way.. and he left her for some 40 year old. 
I kept repeating "wow" "oh wow" "hmm wow"
Then she asked me if I was from NY... I said no... she said I'm gonna hate it and want to move home. Then in a crowd of international people she announced "This place is full of selfish foreigners who only care about money. ALL OF YA". 
I closed my eyes... took a deep breath... and at the next stop I moved as far away from this crazy New York lady I could. 
I learned my lesson about saying "Thank you" on a subway. 

I ran around 57th street looking for 300 west for at least 20 minutes. 

Today was so muggy I was sweating and a hot mess when I arrive... an hour early... for my interview. 
So I went to the bathroom... redid my makeup and sat down and waited.
Hearst Corporation (major editing company... all the top magazines are under it) is such a stunning place! 

I sat in the lobby for about 30 minutes... which was actually nice because my feet were so tore up from my shoes I could barely walk... this always happens! 

They checked me in downstairs 15 minutes before my interview! 

And I headed up to the 17th floor to meet Carissa R.!  


I didn't take any pictures inside because I was nervous... and was honestly so engaged in our conversation. 
Carissa is this tall, thin, beautiful New Yorker. 
She wore mostly black, hair in a messy bun, and had a Chanel purse on desk as we spoke. 
The view from her office looked over the whole city and her wall was lined celebrity covers she had designed. 
Carissa works with celebrities mostly and works on the theme of the covers! 
She also does the online videos on the website. 
We talked about our lives and how we got her and she explained how the most important thing was to meet as many people as possible! 

She took me and showed me the one thing I've always wanted to see...
The fashion closet. 
Wall to wall fashion.. I got to get a sneak peek at all the clothes that are set to appear in the September issue! 
Shoe shelves... clothes stories... everything! 
Then she led me into the beauty closet.. full of any beauty supply you could ever need! 

The office itself was pretty quiet. 
When I imagine a magazine space I imagine chaos but it was very relaxed.
Everyone just so happened to be dressed perfectly. 

At the end of the interview she said that she would be in touch with ANY entry level jobs as they become available. 
Which is absolutely amazing. 
I just have to be patient because I know I left a really good impression. 
She and I just clicked really well! 
Oh and she gave me the latest issue for free! So sweet! 

After my interview I limped to TJ MAXX and bought a 10 dollar pair of sandals. 
I literally have the biggest blisters ever on my toes but I'm happy I made it that far! I think I proved I can handle real pain!

While in TJ MAXX a New york number was calling me so I picked up. 
It was Juvenex Spa. 
A beautiful spa in Manhattan. 
I had applied for a receptionist job (I am going to have to have a couple of jobs here to keep my head above the water!). 
So I am going there tomorrow at 3pm for an interview... 
Followed by another interview with another huge publication at 7pm. (which I can't wait to announce tomorrow!!!)

I'll leave ya with a picture I took heading back to my subway station today. 
I may write again tonight if anything else big happens but for now it is nap time! 

1 comment:

  1. keep making me proud, little bittle!! i LOVE that you're blogging about everything- it makes it easier for me to stalk ;)
    PS- i need more details on A...


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