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Monday, May 27, 2013

More Pictures.

What a treat! 
Two blog post in one day! 
I think i'm going to attempt to write things the day of so I can remember everything more clearly! 

If you read the post right before this I was talking about my trip to target this morning! 
This is how it began. 

I left my very small, undecorated, apartment. 
Now even though these qualities don't sound that great I think it has special character. 
I really like it. 
And honestly compared to things I've heard (like four people sleeping in a single bedroom) it is good for me. My room is pretty large for New York. (more pictures to come of the actual apartment) 

But here is my home: 

I live on the second floor! 
Two brothers live beside me. 
An entire family lives underneath. 

I began heading down 11th street (there it is again!)
I live in a mostly asian, jewish, italian area. 
Which works for me because I love chinese food, I can get a $6 manicure, and I had the best italian food today! (more on this later) 
This is my street... notice the signs not in english! 

I hoped on my N train and headed toward Atlantic Ave where Target is. 

Alright I'm a total creeper but this little boy was so freakin cute! 
He was going crazy on the subway so I had to take a picture. 

I got off at Atlantic Ave...

The Target experience you only dream about. 
This place was insanity. 

This two story Target not only had everything I needed... but it had things I've never seen before. 
So how do you get your cart up a two story escalator? 
Oh let me show you. 
Do not look at picture if you don't want your MIND TO BE BLOWN! 

Notice the escalator that is flat for your carts.. so you can ride beside it to the second story. 

I packed up my goods into my little bag I brought and decided I was starving.
I then went to this fancy new york secret coffee shop called...
Dunkin Donuts! 

One thing I really like about New York is the fruit stands... I took a picture of this one while drinking my coffee and people watching.

When I got back to the apartment my roommate and I decided it was time to do a little grocery shopping. 
They don't have chain stores in our town... they are all locally owned. 
And if you want meats/cheeses/breads you go to the stores just for those things... although some of the grocery stores have select items. 

We went to one... they had no frozen dinners.. which was a big upset. 

Then we decided to go get some fruit so we found ourself here: 

All the fresh fruits and veggies you can imagine!
All lined up outside. 
It smells so delicious and so sweet. 
Shopping this way and actually having to carry what you buy for a couple of blocks teaches you to really see what you are purchasing... and ask yourself "do I want this enough I'm willing to carry it five blocks"... with this in mind I put back a bag of cookies... 

We walked back towards our apartment, groceries in hand, and there it was.
The most delicious smell a hungry person can imagine. 
Legit, authentic, italian food. 

Me and my roommate decided then and there it was lunch time. 

This place was so neat. 
The front was completely opened. 

Little italian old men were arguing about something. How Italy!

and then they brought the goods... delicious italian food! 

It was so great. 
I just feel like everything here is so real. 
The food, the people, the environment. 
And so traditional. 

I'm so excited to see what tomorrow is going to bring... because I have no idea what i'm going to do yet. I think tomorrow will be a day to really go explore! 

By the way. 
I went to extreme measures today for pictures... Like snapping them pretending like i'm texting while holding on for dear life on the subway. 
I think I'm getting better at this. 

1 comment:

  1. little i am just so happy for you!!! your apartment is too cute (i want more pictures though), fresh fruit is the bomb, italian food makes my mouth water, and that target??? omg.

    ps- this really really really makes me wanna visit!


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