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Monday, May 27, 2013

First Day in the Big Apple.

I'm here! 

After an amazing flight yesterday (my mom let me ride first class all the way!) and being picked up at the airport in a town car I am officially in NYC! 

It was a really perfect first day. 
I'll admit for the first couple of hours... okay all day...
I was really overwhelmed. 

There was a good hour where I was unpacking thinking in my head... Why am I doing this? 

I can't describe it. 
And everyone I've met said they felt the same way for a while. 
There is just so much here... the possibilities are endless and the subways are confusing. 

I did ride the subway to the city to meet up with Rebecca!... 
(my first train card!) 

(My subway stop to my apartment)

Rebecca is an older girl who I use to dance with growing up. 
She's now married, been in New York for five years, fabulous, and moving back to NC to raise a family Friday.
But I am so glad we met, she gave me some great advice and showed me around a bit. 
We met on 66 and columbus , right across from the Lincon Center (I don't know if saying streets like that will ever get old :)
We grabbed a Starbucks from the busiest Starbucks i've ever witnessed, went to the biggest Bed Bath and Beyond ever (it was three stories tall with hundred of people everywhere), then sat in this cute little area (where Broadway and Columbus meet.. still not old) 

It was a perfect little spot of people watching and talking! 

OH and it was right across the street from The Humprey's House from gossip girl (I'm so weird I know)
Look Familiar? 

Rebecca and I talked for at least and hour and she had to return home. 
I wanted to grab some dinner before I headed back. 

I was completely overwhelmed once again. 
I was walking on the streets alone and couldn't seem to find anything then I stumbled into... Paris. 

There was a line of places where everything was in French and the people were speaking french and the food was french. 

I walked into the first place and looked at the menu and decided... maybe I should save my money for a place like this when I'm not doing takeout!

But I found this little hole in the wall bistro called "Bread"and got a little sandwich and water. 
I sat outside at this little table and ate it surrounded by fabulous tall models talking french. 
By the way there are models everywhere... tall, beautiful, exotic looking creatures! 

I think the coolest thing is I ate by myself and I was okay with it. 
I wasn't the only person eating alone or anything but it was just nice to know I could do it. 
I feel like typically at home being alone = bad... but it was refreshing to be consumed with my own thoughts and consumed with my surrounding. 

I jumped back on the subway and headed home before it even could start to get dark. 
I want to feel out everything before I just roam around. I didn't get lost even once! Yet! 

My night included a skype sesh with Asa followed by chatting it up with my new roommate. (more details of my apartment, roommate, neighborhood, and subway experience to come!)

Well, the reason i'm up so early is because they are drilling in the ground outside my apartment and I need to get to target to buy some towels. 
Even that wont be an easy trip... I have to walk 5 blocks, ride a subway, get there, buy towels and drag it all back here. 
But I'm still in the excitement mode! 

So yesterday was a success, more pictures to come. I just have been trying to look not lost and not like a tourist at the moment. 
First day round up: 
Didn't get robbed 
Didn't get lost on the subway
Moved in
Met my roomie 
Had a great day
Success.. I think so! 

I've got to get moving on this beautiful memorial day! 
I'll leave you with a picture of the Brooklyn Bridge!

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