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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

dreams, lessons, and Tory Burch.

The thing I love most about New York City is i'm surrounded by big dreamers. 
Big dreams are born here. 
No one comes to New York and says "i'm moving to New York to get an average job and settle down!". 
And no dream here is impossible and no one here tells you they are either. 
In the rest of the world you tell someone you dream of being an actress... 
Then you are told by tons of people it is not logical, that you should maybe have a back up plan, and you are also reminded of the small percent of people who make it. 
in New York if you tell someone you want to be an actor you are encouraged! You are told that this dream is amazing and that you can do it. 
This exchange is usually followed by as many contacts as the person can give you and maybe a free drink because you are trying. 
For me being a writer is something I've been dreaming of. 
Ever since I was little I wanted to write for a magazine and although I've been told by a couple of professors and of course my parents that I am a strong writer I don't know if my dreams were as lifted up by society and the people around me as they could've been. 
I see how people do that here and I want to vow that from here on out when someone presents me with a dream I take it seriously. 
Dreams are serious and these New York people, these New York dreamers, really have something going here. 
It is hard to live here and not be inspired everyday by what the amazing things people around you are doing. 
My roommate Danny is trying to figure his dream out right now but is working for an alcohol advertisement company while he tries to see exactly where he fits in. 
Amanda had a year of auditions and has finally been asked to be in a show... not just any show... Legally Blonde the Musical. 
All the beautiful Russian girls I work with moved here to be models and they are making it happen for themselves. 
Yesterday at my first day of my internship I sat with girls who are thirsty to make it in the business. 
They are doing internship after internship with little to no pay. 
I am thriving in this environment.

Enough with the serious talk... now time for some more serious talk. 

3 lessons I have learned living in NY for 3 weeks. 

1. If it seems to good to be true. It it. 
New York Example:
 You are waiting for the subway and it shows up and it is packed. You stand waiting for it to stop and then you see something... unbelievable! The subway car in front of you has no one on it! The whole train was packed but it is your lucky day... this subway car is all yours. 
It is not all yours... you are about to share a subway car with the worst smell you have ever smelled. 
It probably smells like someone pooped right in the middle of it... most likely because someone did. 
You are not that lucky. Never trust an uncrowded subway car. 

2. You are replaceable at any job. 
New York Example: 
This week I was called at 9pm to work from 10:30pm-7am at my spa job. 
For a moment I thought about telling them that I was to busy and this was to late of notice. Plus I hadn't prepared myself by taking a nap or anything to stay up those hours. 
And I had to work the next day at 4pm. 
But then I remembered what my manager told another girl "if you can't do this I can find someone else who will"... 
Then I remembered the stack of resumes on the front desk of people who would do anything for a job. 
I threw on some pants... pulled my hair back... and headed into work. 

3. The importance of Eating to Live not Living to Eat. 
New York Example: 
I thought upon moving here that everyone was on this secret New York diet that made them all so skinny. 
I had heard that you always lose weight moving here because you walk more than in other places but for some reason everyone failed to mention that there is no time in a day to eat... and if you decide you are hungry it's going to cost you! 
There is no cheap fast food here... and if there is I haven't found it yet. Instead if I want a quick meal I have to run and get a 8 dollar salad... although literally this past weekend all I ate was Iced coffees...
Oh you want to save money and go grocery shopping? 
That's gonna cost you as well... Willing to just eat soup for a week because it's so cheap? 

yeah at $2 a small can... so cheap. 
SO i'm currently eating a spoonful of peanut butter for breakfast and a glass of water. 
Although I do plan to hit up the grocery store using my gift card from Jennifer today! 

I know this is not my typical post... but besides the amazing Tory Burch sale I have been working my booty off... Below is my sample sale steal! Originally 435... got it for 150! 
So who cares that I can't afford lunch meat... I have a fabulous bag to carry on my arm on my way to the soup kitchen! 

Last night was my first night I've got more than 5 hours of sleep in days. 
I may even write more later today! 
Feeling great! I wanted to leave you with a little picture of my subway ride yesterday... the sky was amazing over my little city... had to share a peak. 


  1. Fabulous and I think there should be a T-shirt: Never Trust an uncrowded Subway Car. :D Dream on!

  2. Ohhh little dearest! Do I need to send you a care package of ramen noodles and soup? Because I most definitely will do it.
    I love how big your dreams are and I love even more that you are pursuing them! You make me so proud!
    And yuck to the subway. Just yuck.


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