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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The good, the bad, and the ugly.

I've been in the city for a week now and have watched the men here. 
We thought the boys in the south were bad. 
Chivalry officially died in NYC with the making of the subway. 
It amazes me how grown men will not stand up for a women to have a seat... not even if she is about to have a baby any second. 

Exhibit A. 

All these men just sit as small women try to hang on. 

I've officially been on two dates since I've been here. 
One was the other day with A... absolutely fabulous date. 
Read more about it here.

One yesterday night to get coffee with E. 
E is a tall handsome guy who's parents are both Russian. 
He had gone through struggles with addiction/jail time but is now clean. 
Don't judge me! I wanted to give him a chance!
I think that is pretty awesome he has overcame everything... and if you know my dating history you know why. 
I sat, drank coffee, listened to his life. 
He told me I had beautiful eyes and later texted me and told me he was down for another date. 

Back to A. 
A is so busy he can't ever hang out...
We had this great date but nothing can happen more because he doesn't have time to invest in it. 
And I'm not naive. I believe if you really want time to invest you make time.
Although we have plans for another date on Friday. 
Which I really really hope actually happens. 

E hasn't texted me back since yesterday. 
I texted him today and said "Hey"... never got a response. 
It is just so annoying because I really felt a good connection with him and at least thought we would be friends... but his read receipt stating he read my "hey" hours ago says otherwise.
I told my roommate I was going to delete his number so I didn't text him again.
Danny said "why don't you just not text him. Listen to yourself". 
I swear i'm a good catch. Except I think I'm becoming to Taylor Swift of Blogging. 

So here I am stuck between the guy who has no time and the guy who has served time. 

Meanwhile... down in Harlem. 
My new friend Amanda... You remember her from here. 
She dated a New York guy for two months. 
Then it became more of a hookup thing... and she decided she just wasn't interested in it any longer. 
She texted me today telling me she was breaking everything off and she is going to meet him in person. 
How sweet and mature right?
He didn't text her until 9:30pm tonight... said he just got off work. 
Real sketch
She calls him and tells him she is done.
He tells her "her loss"... then text her minutes later saying "We can still hook up casually thought right?" 
Here is the exact conversation below! 

I don't know if the women here have programmed guys to think talking to women this way is okay... 
But I thought New York women were suppose to be strong. 
They are letting New York men walk all over them. 
The men get the subway seats, the men get the best jobs, the men call the shots in all the relationships. 
Finding an all around great guy in this city is proving to be harder than finding an Upper East Side apartment for under 2 grand. 

I have officially entered the dating world. 

So my salon job today took a turn for the worst. 
I found out today I'm not getting paid for the 14 hours I've put in of training... 
oh and the manager hired three girls and she only has spots for two. 
One of us gets fired tomorrow. 
Although I don't know if you can really get fired when you are volunteering... 

I find out tomorrow about the internship with InTouch Magazine. 
Everyone seriously cross your fingers for me. 
I need this. 

Tonight I spent the night walking around the neighborhood with my roommate Danny... and him forcing me to do squats down the street. 
Then I found this beauty! 

I have to admit I find myself walking around the city in such awe. 
This place sure does shine and I think I'm going to like it here. 
And I think i'm going to learn a lot about myself. 

I'll let you know if i'm fired tomorrow or not! 

1 comment:

  1. Girl, I just wanted you to know I'm reading all your posts and I'm really rooting for you up there in NYC! I think it's so awesome that you're really going after your dream! don't worry too much about those weird guys who are being flaky, just focus on yourself and those amazing opportunities for your future. In the end, the worthwhile guys will find you because you're so successful and motivated! Best of luck <3


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